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About us

Watermead began in 1992 when the parish priest explored the possibilities for a hymn, "Our Song Gives Praise", composed by two of the parishioners in the parish he was serving. A publishing friend had told him that the hymn was good enough for publication, and this acknowledgement encouraged the writing of further music for hymns and mass settings. Through 1992/3 other initiatives were explored, including a collection of parishioners' favourite prayers, and the group of people that had gathered to discuss possibilities for a music-publishing venture were now looking to form a general publishing apostolate.

When we chose the name 'Watermead' (after the lakes and parkland area neighbouring the church) we were asked why not simply take the name of the parish. At that time many saintly and personal names had been mused over, but it was felt that what we were beginning was for all who wanted to be involved in sharing God’s love – and a title should not imply parochial or denominational ownership. Over the years this name has also proved beneficial as the umbrella under which we offer our Christian message.

People who work with us are generous in their giving of time and resources, so we have always been able to share our profits with good works and charities. But the Watermead Apostolate did not begin as fundraising for charities. It began because parishioners in a parish were invited and trusted to share their gifts, talents and time in the mission of their church. Everyone has valuable life experiences that once given a voice can reach out and help others. Our apostolate has become a sharing of those voices - a mission that anyone can feel invited to be part of. Through Watermead we offer people, God’s little ones (“Anawim”), the opportunity to share their faith with others by whatever comes to them (words, music, arts and crafts) on their own individual paths towards God, enabling hearts to speak and communicate.

To read more about us, read background stories to the products you will see on this website or meet the people involved and obtain further information about our retreats and pilgrimages visit our apostolate's website.

Watermead Apostolate